• product concept

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    From clinical operations, German breast plastic surgery teams have made the conclusion that for patient who wears tissue expander for 8 hours a day and lasts for 10 weeks before surgery, the fat filler volume will be larger and more likely to be survival, the breast tubercle will be less and the operation result will be better.

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    The basic principle of fat transplantation technology is to transplant tiny particles instead of lumps of fat. Try to reduce the amount of adipose tissue transplanted every time and increase the contact area between the transplanted fat and acceptor tissue to the greatest extent. Reducing the transplanted volume for every time can shorten the distance between the core transplanted area and the blood capillaries around it,thereby promoting the survival of the new transplanted adipose tissue and reducing the possibilities of the fat necrosis and its subsequent calcification to the greatest extent.

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    After the breast-enlarging operation, the patient is required to wear the Stwics constant-negative-pressure breast expander for 8 hours a day and last for more than 10 weeks. Most patients are satisfied with the result.


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    Abandon traditional silicone pad and realize the secondary natural development of breast

    • The safety problem due to the silicone prosthesis occurred in the 1990s has drawn the public attention. The Stwics constant-negative-pressure non-surgical breast augmentation apparatus can increase the tissue space for autologous fat transplant surgery, thus promoting the growth of transplanted adipose tissue to build perfect breast shape. . .
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    Intelligent constant-negative-pressure non-surgical breast augmentation

    • The constant-negative-pressure non-surgical breast augmentation apparatus can realize good result before and after the autologous fat transplanting surgery. It is found that women’s mammary gland cell can augment and regenerate after enough long time of traction under constant negative pressure. It’s similar to the fact that enough time of bone traction after the fracture surgery could make the bone longer. Because traction can change the growth direction of tissue.
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    A safer and healthier breast augmentation choice--The Stwics intelligent constant-negative-pressure breast augmentation apparatus

    • Only wearing for 10 weeks can realize the secondary breast growth towards easy breast transformation to get the perfectest breast in man’s eyes. The breast perfection experience is beyond imagination. The good effect will appear gradually once you have started to use it.